Choosing the right viewer


HTML - Recommended for first time viewing or if you just want to view features without editing.  The advantages of the html viewer are that no additional software downloads are needed to view maps and fewer computer resources are required at the browser end.  This viewer allows selection of visible and active layers for map display and query.  It does not allow legend or map editing.  Images are served as jpeg images and be saved as files.  The method for saving images depends on the browser you are using.  In MS Internet Explorer you can right click on the image and choose "Save Picture As...".

Java - Choose this viewer if you want full control for creating maps.  Requires additional software but allows full customization and editing of map features.  This viewer delivers powerful desktop GIS tools to your Internet browser.  You can edit map legends, reorder layers, add additional map layers from your local computer or from another web site, or add map features interactively.  A suite of query and analysis tools are also available as well as a button to save final maps to an image file.  A one time software download is required to install this browser.  The first time you visit a java map site the automatic installation process will begin which will install java runtime environment (if needed) and the Arc Explorer Java Viewer (note: this download may take a long time on slow connections).